Mental Illness
Overview of symptoms of mental illness diagnosis and illness covering:
Bipolar: A mood disorder that manifests in swings in mood from manic to depression
Depression: Severe and prolonged sadness is a mood disorder. Treatable with medications.
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting Type
Restricting Type is the subtype of anorexia most commonly known. Individuals diagnosed with Restricting Type cannot have engaged in episodes of binge eating or purging within three months of diagnosis, and their “present with “weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieting, fasting, and excessive exercise “
Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating & Purge Type:
Those diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating/Purging Type are those that engage in restrictive behaviors as well binge eating and compensatory purging behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas
Hoarding: The need to hold on to all possessions without a need to have them.
Schizophrenia: Is a psychotic disorder. Severe and chronic brain disorder that impairs the ability to think clearly, make decisions, and relate to others. May have delusions or hallucinations.
PTSD: Re-experiencing of the anxiety associated with a previous traumatic event.
Aggressive Behavior Strategies: Re-directing tips. Know when to call for help.
Commonly psychotropic medicines: Tricyclics, SSRIs, MAOIs
Documentation: Effective readable charting. The importance of charting. When to chart.