Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 17 2022
- Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Intellectual Disabilities Overview
Cerebral Palsy: A movement and posture disorder due to brain damage during infancy or early childhood.
Downs Syndrome: A genetic disorder whereby a person has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. Cause is unknown. Leading cause of intellectual and developmental delay.
Dyslexia: A specific learning disorder that involves difficulty reading. No cure prevention, but can be managed with modified learning. Normal intelligence.
ADHD in the adult resident: A diagnosis based upon symptom review for fidgeting, difficulty remaining seated, risky behaviors, blurts out answers, interrupts conversations. This often results in poor school, work and relationships.
Note: AAC will, Accept Cash, Paypal, Venmo, Square, as payment, upon course completion at which time the Certificate of Completion will be issued.
Payment for all classes must be paid at the completion of your class. Certificates of Completion will not be issued until the program is paid in full, unless prior arrangements are approved in writing by the AAC Director.