Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 15 2022
- Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Alzheimer’s / Dementia
Dementia Overview, Alzheimer’s Overview, Medical Emergencies and Emergency Preparedness, Providing Personal Care, Caring for Early to Mid-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and behavior strategies, Caring for Mid tp Late-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and behavior strategies, Nutrition, Activities and Exercises.
Note: AAC will, Accept Cash, Paypal, Venmo, Square, as payment, upon course completion at which time the Certificate of Completion will be issued.
Payment for all classes must be paid at the completion of your class. Certificates of Completion will not be issued until the program is paid in full, unless prior arrangements are approved in writing by the AAC Director.